Bedding solutions for Allergy Sufferer's

I've been a sufferer of Dust Mite Allergies all my life. As a child I was given a nasal spray, and later an antihistamine product containing pseudoephedrine to help me with my allergies. Nasal sprays don't really work for me anymore, and the anti-histamine product I took was taken off the market due to the pseudoephedrine ban in NZ. Needless to say I had to look for other solutions.
If you suffer from Dust Mite Allergies, then you probably notice your symptoms are worse at night, or first thing in the morning. I used to sometimes wake up and start sneezing, or I would start sneezing when I went to bed.
The reason you might notice the symptoms become worse at night is because your bedding, pillow, and your mattress, are ideal breeding grounds for Dust Mites and their Allergens. For more info on Dust Mites click here
I love this product because it is a natural solution that doesn't require chemicals or taking drugs. They are comfortable to sleep on, easy to use, and unbelievable effective for most people. They are made using 100% cotton and are constructed using a precision microweave that acts as the barrier to the Dust Mites. For more info on how they work click here
They are encased in cotton, making sure that the duvet remains as breathable as possible. Afterall, no good buying a wool duvet, if it's encased in something like polyester that doesn't have the same breathable qualities.
While I'm not a chronic Eczema sufferer, I have at times gone to bed with itchy skin that has been exacerbated by being too hot in bed. So I know how important it is for Eczema sufferer's to have bedding that helps them to retain a comfortable temperature throughout the night.